ニックスのサマーリーグでプレーしたQJピーターソンがインスタグラムで書いたサマーリーグ終了までの道のりが話題になってます〜!ミニッツをもらうまで頑張った様子、自分が試合ごとに成長してゆく様子を書いてくれているんだけど、ENERGY AND EFFORTで常に一生懸命であることやチームファースト、ベテランリーダーシップの大切さなどを改めて教えてくれるし、とにかくニックスのカルチャーにぴったり〜‼長い文章だけど、わたしも一気に読んでしまった〜
サマーリーグのストーリー by QJピーターソン
↓ピーターソンのIGは非公開アカウントのようです。「New York Basketball」さんがTwitterで彼の文章を紹介しています。
で、長いけど〜。。はいコレNew York Basketballさんのツイート(QJピーターソンがIGに載せた文章)全文。
Knicks QJ Peterson on IG: “Y’all want to hear my story on this whole summer league situation? Lengthy post:
“My agent calls me and says ‘Hey man I got you a minicamp invite with the New York Knicks, do you want to do it?’ (There’s about 16 players there) I said ‘Of course let’s do it!!’ Minicamp was 3 days long and played extremely well in front of everyone! After minicamp, I walk in to Coach Thibodeau’s office and say ‘Hey Coach I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to showcase my talents here, I really enjoyed it! I have one question for you. What do I have to do to make it in the league?” He says, “At your height being 6ft, you need to be a pest on defense, guard the full length of the court, dive on the floor, be everywhere on the court! Your offense is your strong suit, but your defense will get you in and you need to be seen more!” I said “Thank you Coach, it means a lot you took the time to tell me this” and walked out.
“I felt great after the training camp doing extremely well, feeling like I was the best player coming out of minicamp! A few days later, my agent calls again, says ‘Hey man they want you on their summer league roster but you probably will not get in until the last game. They want some of their guys playing the majority of the minutes and are younger and obligated to them. They understand you have six and seven figure deals on the table and understand if you don’t want to do it. If you do decide you want to play, they don’t want to hear from me the whole time that you aren’t playing.’
“Now, I could have had an ego trip, and say ‘nah I’m better than this, not accepted’ and just kept it moving! It took me less than 10 minutes to decide on if i wanted to do it! I told my agent ‘Look, let’s do it!! I’ve come this far, let’s see it through, I’m just going to have to force their hand and make it extremely hard for them not to play me!! However, I’m here to do whatever they need me to do, whether I play zero minutes or 40 minutes, they will have the hardest worker, best leader on and off the court, and do whatever I can to help develop the young guys and encourage them out there! Whatever my role is, I will do!!’
“The Knicks let me come in early June 29th to start working out before actual practices for summer league started on July 4th! Every day I was there from June 29th- July 7th, i was the first one in the gym and last one to leave, every day! Every day Coach Thibs watched me do defensive slides full court every workout against the staff, incorporating offense into it, taking everything Coach Thibs told me to heart!
“First game comes in Vegas, did not see a minute of action, but was one of the loudest talkers on the floor! The best teammate, high fiving guys, helping young guys see the game better! That was my role for game 1! We lose game 1! Same goes for game 2 we lose but got in the last 3 minutes of the game when we were already down by a lot! The minute i get in the game I hit a 3 and press up full court like my life depends on it!!
“After game 2, Coach Thibs meets with the summer league head coach, Coach Dice and says yes you have to play these guys, but at some point winning has to take hold and matter! Coach Dice comes up to me the next day and says ‘Hey, be ready, I don’t know how much you’re going to play, but just be ready,’ and of course my response is, ‘I’m always ready Coach!’
“Game 3 comes, we start the game off losing, he subs me in with 4 minutes to go in the first quarter until mid second quarter, and immediately I make a positive impact on the game! We’re clicking, guys are talking simply because I’m talking loud and forcing them to, playing together, huddling guys up together to make sure we’re on the same page, picking up defense full court, diving on the floor, all the little things!! ENERGY AND EFFORT!!! We come out in the second and get down by 13 and puts me in and immediately I make a positive impact again and don’t come out the rest of the game!! We end up coming back and winning this game, without having a great shooting night, solely off of ENERGY AND EFFORT!!
“Everyone is happy about the win, but more so happy for me, and credit me for the win because of the ENERGY AND EFFORT I brought off the bench!! They know how hard I worked every day, how I could have pouted because I wasn’t playing, but instead stayed ready and focused on the game, encouraging guys, and when it was my time, they trusted in me, trusted my leadership and rallied behind the energy and effort I brought! My role was to bring energy and effort and veteran leadership and get the job done by any means necessary!!
“4th game comes and my message to the team was simple. Let last games energy and effort transfer to this game! You guys now know what energy and effort you need to play at in order to win games in the NBA!! Needless to say these boys came out hot playing together, everyone on the floor and bench all talking being positive with everyone, everyone is in tune with the game!! My role this game was simple, manage the game and play defense with energy and effort!! I didn’t have a great scoring night, but I did all the small things out there and made the correct plays and brought ENERGY AND EFFORT once again and leadership!! We win that game by 10 or so!
“5th game comes, we start the game off very slow, 15-1 actually!! Didn’t have it going early on, only had 7 or 8 guys playing, everyone is tired. I told guys, playoffs or no playoffs, everything matters!! This matters!! You get very few chances in the NBA!! Take advantage of it!! We are going to be okay, it’s a very long game!! We continue to fight all game, not giving up!! Heading into the 4th quarter with only 8 points and down 13, I said to myself, it’s time to step up, now!! Remember who you are truly! I tell Coach Dice the head coach, I’m about to take this game over! The coaching staff and players all were on board with letting me do what I’ve been doing, which is score! I tell guys, score stop, score stop, score stop, we will be good! One possession at a time, value it, finish every defensive possession with a rebound! ENERGY AND EFFORT will help us come back and win this game!! Sure enough we come back and even take the lead! Finished the game with 25 and had 3 chances to win it down the stretch and the ball just didn’t go through! Everyone said to me after the game, we all wanted you to take those shots! You worked hard every day, you had it going, and you weren’t afraid of the moment! There’s nothing to hang your head about!
“To hear that from a group of guys who I’ve only known for 2 weeks means a lot to me! This entire summer league has been an amazing experience!! I had chances where I could have quit, could have had a ego, could have said I’m better than this, yet I choose to think about everyone back home, every kid in the stands, my family how it’d make them look!! I made it BIGGER than MYSELF!! No matter what I may have been feeling, I made it bigger than myself!!
“I turned a lot of eyes with different NBA teams at summer league solely off my ENERGY and EFFORT and affecting the game in a positive way by just playing hard, showing a great attitude, and being a great teammate and leader!! All the feedback received had nothing to do with me being able to score, it was all because of the things listed above, playing like my life depended on it!!
“What I want you all to take from this, no matter where you come from, no matter your height, whether you’re 5-star athlete or no star athlete, always bet on yourself! Always be ready so you don’t have to get ready, and be a great teammate and person! Do all of the little things. because the little things matter!! Find your WHY that makes things bigger than just yourself, to help you keep going when things get tough!!
“God….thank you!! this opportunity you blessed me with impacted a ton of lives other than mine and I’m glad you used me as an example!! Thank you everyone for all the love and support throughout this summer league!! Thank you New York Knicks organization for giving me the opportunity to display my talents on the highest stage in front of millions of people!!”
ニックス サマーリーグへ
第2試合 準備をしておくように
2試合目の後、ティボドーコーチがサマーリーグのヘッドコーチをしているダイスコーチに会い「選手たちをプレーさせる必要があるのは確かだが、ある時点からは勝利することが重要だ」と言っていた。 次の日、ダイスコーチが来て自分に「どれくらいプレーするかは分からないが準備をしておくように」と言ったので「コーチ!いつでも準備はできています!」と答えた。
第3試合 逆転勝利
第3試合、ニックスはビハインドでスタート。1Q残り4分でコートに入り2Q半ばまでプレー。直ちにポジティブなインパクトを与えた!自分が声を出すことで皆からも声が出て話すようになりチームがクリックしてきた。ハドルでは皆んなが同じ認識ができているかを確認し、フルコートDでフロアにダイブした。ENERGY AND EFFORT!!! (エナジーとエフォート‼) 3Q半ば13点ビハインドの時に再びコートに入り、この時もすぐにポジティブなインパクトを与えた。最後まで交代せずプレーした。
フロアの皆んなもベンチも揃って声を出し、お互いポジティブになりチームが一つになってプレーした。自分のシュートは良くなかったが、些細なことでも全てやり、正しいプレーをし、リーダーシップを発揮した。試合は10点差くらいで勝った。(BOS 89−97 NY)
第5試合 得点するときがきた
第5試合は超スロースタート。実際のところ1−15で始まった。 プレーしているのは7−8人で全員が疲れていた。皆んなに「プレイオフに行っても行かなくても、全ての事が重要だ!これは重要なことだ!NBAではチャンスはほんの少ししか無いのだから、これを活かすんだ!試合は長い。最後まで戦い続ければ大丈夫だ‼諦めるな‼」と声をかけた。
QJ ピーターソンって
Wikipedia:QJ Peterson より
- 生年月日:1994年10月12日 (28歳)
- 出身:Frederick, Maryland
- 身長:1.83 m (6 ft 0 in)
- 体重:83 kg (183 lb)
- NBAドラフト:2017年 Undrafted
- 2022年 CBAのNanjing Tongxi Monkey Kingsと1年契約
今回のストーリーがSIの記事にもなってる→ SI:‘Energy and Effort!’: Knicks Summer League Star QJ Peterson Reflects on Vegas Adventure
敗者復活戦の第5戦を見たら「皆んなすごく一体感出て、チームっぽくなってる〜〜!」って感じるほど盛り上がっていてビックリ‼ 何で〜って思ったけど、コレってピーターソン効果だったの〜。個人の力をまとめて大きな力にしてくれるベテランリーダーシップの大切さを改めて実感しました‼
